
Activities & Results of the project

In summary, INCrEAsE project will develop:

O1. Interactive Map of Multicultural and Multilingual adult educators/learners in EU with focus on knowledge, skills & attitudes

– 6 Reports on the Mapping of the current situation in the matter of multiculturalism in adult education

– 1 interactive Map of Multicultural and Multilingual adult educators/learners in EU with focus on knowledge, skills & attitudes

– KBS with a collection of at least 30 different cultures described systematically

– 60 adult educators as members of the INCrEAsE network (10 per country)

– 12 multicultural and multilingual learners (2 per country)

– 1 database of testimonials – audio/video/written testimonials from multicultural adult educators/learners

O2. E-Tests/Questionnaire Tool to set up the Profile of multicultural learners needs, related to the process of adaptation of freshman international learners and immigrants)

– 1 E-Tests/Questionnaire

– Profiles of multicultural learners needs

– Piloting of the tool with 12 multicultural learners (2 per country) and 12 adult educators (2 per country) and collection of feedback

O3. Intercultural Communicative Competence Training Programme for Adult Educators (60 hours) and piloting it with representatives of the target group

– 1 Intercultural Communicative Competence training methodology available in 6 languages (EN, RO,


– 1 Training Programme for Adult Educators (60 hours)

– Piloting of the training programme with 35 adult educators (5 per partner) and collection of feedback

O4. E-book “Enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence" – a self-learning resource for adult educators based on the developed training programme and methodology and consisting of the self-guided professional development materials as well as the selected examples of the most relevant case studies and good practices. The E-book will be available on the project and the partners' websites for free download.

– 1 E-book “Enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence" – a self-learning resource for adult educators of inter-cultural communication competences (downloadable free)

– Piloting of the training programme with 35 adult educators (5 per partner) and collection of feedback

Further results through dissemination, exploitation and multiplier effects:

6 multiplier events – exploitation-contact seminars in all partner countries for at least 180 participants from outside the partnership

1 International conference with keynote speakers, workshops and poster session for presenting good practice examples, for summarizing and presenting new competences and sharing case studies, best practices, experiences from the piloting.​