Interactive Map

Interactive Map of Multicultural and Multilingual adult educators/learners in EU with focus on knowledge, skills & attitudes. The main aim of the 1st intellectual output is to develop an EU Mapping of the current situation in a matter of multiculturalism in adult education.

– 6 Reports on the Mapping of the current situation in the matter of multiculturalism in adult education

– 1 interactive Map of Multicultural and Multilingual adult educators/learners in EU with focus on knowledge, skills & attitudes

– KBS with a collection of at least 30 different cultures described systematically

– 60 adult educators as members of the INCrEAsE network (10 per country)

– 12 multicultural and multilingual learners (2 per country)

– 1 database of testimonials – audio/video/written testimonials from multicultural adult educators/learners

Results will be available here soon!​